Guess I Blew It!

Well, I guess I blew NaBloPoMo for the month.  Not only did I lose a post somewhere in the mix, but I sort of took the holidays off of writing.  But I had a good reason, really.

My brother was in town, with his wife whom rarely gets out to see us.  My niece was also in two, and any chance I get to chase that lovely little rugrat is time well spent in my book.  I also watched my first Auburn game this year.  I generally don’t watch football because I get a bit emotional watching it.  I was very emotional yesterday.  And while my team lost, they did it with gusto and skill.  Trick plays, onside kicks and shutting Mark Ingram down cold.  All in all, one of the best Iron Bowl games ever.

So I guess I need to do the obligatory thankful post.  Isn’t that what bloggers do on Thanksgiving?  Well, although I have plenty to be upset and not thankful about, I do have much for which I am thankful.  So here’s the list.

My children, who bring me great joy.
My niece, who is beautiful and graceful.
My Nephew, who makes me laugh, despite his recent entry into this world.
My FIL, who is now helping us out when we started by helping him.
My family, who are supportive and caring.
My friends, who are both enjoyable and meaningful.

When I look at that list, I am a truly wealthy man.  Whatever else goes wrong in my life, I have these things…  no, not things.  I’m not thankful for much of material value, but of the people in my life.  I’ve never been one who maintained close relationships.  I have many acquaintances and few friends.  Perhaps this is more than a Thanksgiving Day report, but also a New Years Resolution post as well.

Perhaps working on Friendships over this next year is something I need to work on.  Well, I have a month or so to change my mind.

One thought on “Guess I Blew It!

  1. Hi Mike! Glad you enjoyed your visit with brother, sister-in-law and the wonderful niece. Sister-in-law had shared with me recently the struggles you are going through. I was so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law and I hope your dad-in-law is doing much better. Good luck with the job. I have been keeping all of you in my prayers and thoughts. And, yes, although we struggle, we have much to be grateful for…Thanksgiving is a good time to help us focus on that. Love to all of you.

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