The Nefarious Lies of Bill Schmalfeldt

So I found this…

Screenshot 2014-07-16 15.21.01

Oh, but Mr. Schmalfeldt, the man who threatened me with lawsuits all day yesterday for so much as suggesting that you delete tweets, and now we find out you’ve been deleting tweets over 7 days old on a regular basis.  Because, it makes your timeline harder to “Stalk?”  Thanks for the information, Mr. Schmalfeldt.  Good to know you spent all day yesterday lying about deleting tweets.  About how you don’t memory hole things.  But really, now you’re admitting to doing just that.

So, let me ask you something.  Every time I’ve called you out and you got upset, you spend the next several days proving, repeatedly, that I am right.  Why is that?

Why were so many of your tweets between January and April missing?

Why did you delete the tweet about how much you liked meeting Brett Kimberland?

Why did you lie about reporting Hoge to NASA and/or about not reporting him to NASA.  That was convoluted.  But boy was it a fun day.

You’ve been lying about so much lately, it’s not even funny anymore.  It’s just pathetic.  The Photo Editor of NASA?  The Legal Department?  WordPress?  Seriously Bill, like you have any credibility left.